The Story,
In 1999, We started with one unit of laser sawing machine in the industry when diamond processing was just started working with latest technology. Jaykar has a vision to upgrade and implement new, original & advanced technology as per the requirement in industry which is done after certain quality checks in user acceptance testing (UAT) Environment. Once we have satisfactory results in testing phase we implement it on a larger scale for which our clientele can take maximum benefit of it which takes us to a new heights of success In whole diamond industry.
Since then, Trust, Quality & Service have been the founding principles of the company’s operation. Our strong values and dedication towards customer satisfaction have lead us to become one of the top diamond jobwork service provider all around the globe. Currently, Jaykar is one and only diamond job work company in india who have all the latest technology in house to process diamond from rough to polish. We are working with highly experienced & skilled labour as well.
Chairman Note
I am aligned with diamond industry since 1985 at age of 18. In industry, I have worked at all levels from collection agent to chairman. I decided to convert my valuable and wide experience into diamond processing and its job work. From 2000, In diamond industry new and advanced technologies started arriving and big diamond business houses initiated taking benefits of these advanced technologies. Then i have started my business in jobwork forecasting business as per industries requirements and also followed the motto of due diligence, best services in class and best quality output of work in shortest possible time frame.

Also there were certain limitations on usage of these technologies and it’s also unavoidable to get more profit.
Such as on the following points.
We are popularly known by short name Jaykar. however, Jaykar group of companies is segregated into jaykar laser care, jaykar mark techno and jay-jaykar enterprise which is based in surat..
Since last 25 years Jaykar is vowed to give best quality output in diamond industry from rough diamond to polished diamond by our most valued and experienced& skilledteam.
Our main aim is to assist all our clients in getting maximum returns on their investments resulting into.We are proud to own clientele of all class in the industry starting from small scale manufacturer to huge diamond business houses within city as well with various locations in India and also into an international footprint.
Our vision is to provide best class services in job work sector of diamond industry with utmost trust, quick in services and best in quality. We are always keen to accept and implement new and upcoming advanced technology in diamond industry which can fulfil the demand of our valued customers. In addition, we are going support trade. Very soon we are going to provide best and effective platform to our clients for buying and selling their natural & lab grown goods as rough or polished by our own tender house.